Friday, September 19, 2014

Emma's Imagination

Back in my August 25th blog, I gave you an introduction to Emma Cagle, the main character in Part One of Cleared for Planting. At that time, I said I would tell more about Emma's imagination at a later time. Here are some more excerpts on this from the novel, which should be released around Thanksgiving.

Emma became amazed at how quickly the weather changed:

            All of a sudden, ferocious black clouds began to march across the sky. Emma had never seen such ominous looking clouds develop so fast. The sun had been shining when the wagon wheel broke.
            The black clouds rolled and billowed like a mighty army and conquered all the fluffy white soldiers in their wake. They’d already conquered the ruling sun. At least no artillery clash followed, as often happened in the summer thunderstorms back home. Emma stood watching the battle play out. It started to rain, a cold drenching rain. They pulled out the tarp and huddled under it. 

When going up a mountain, Emma became frightened of the steep cliffs and drop-offs over the sides of the roads. Yet, she stills lets her imagination run:

...when Emma ventured another look over the side, she saw fog lurking down below. It reminded her of some mystical fairyland, and she could almost imagine a dragon come lumbering out of the forest across the road opposite the cliff. Maybe it would spread its wings and fly off the cliff. Perhaps she could hop on its back and get a different view of the mountains. She almost laughed at herself and her wild imagination. Besides, if in reality she feared even looking at the high drops, how would she ever climb aboard a dragon about to take flight?

Emma is fourteen at this time. Over the next months, as she deals with some harsh realities, she matures. Part of that comes from meeting and developing an interest in Edgar Moretz. Life on a small mountain farm could be rough, however, and a person had to be strong to survive.

I hope you're looking forward to the release of Cleared for Planting as much as I am. Waiting is always hard, but it's only about two months from now.

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