Friday, October 14, 2016

Witnessing and Discipling 

Some Christians use the terms "witnessing" and "discipling" as synonyms, but are they the same thing? I think they have similarities, but there are differences too. Both are important, but discipling takes witnessing several steps farther and is more involved.

Christian witnessing is basically telling others the Good News about Jesus. We can do this with anyone we meet. It may be people we never see again, but we hope to at least plant seeds of faith. I'm reminded of a sweet, little lady my husband and I met on one of our cruises. She had taken the cruise by herself, and she went around the ship asking everyone, "Do you know Jesus?" She was a diligent witness.

The Free Dictionary says that discipling is "training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior. Discipling takes more time, contact, and commitment. To disciple someone, means you must build a relationship with them. We then mentor them into a walk of faith. If we make disciples, they're more likely to train others to be disciples.

We are called to do both at times in our lives. Some people talk about witnessing to others, and never grow beyond that. But Jesus also wants us to be disciples and make disciples. Let's not disappoint Him.


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