MAPs Have Been Good
You may remember me mentioning MAPs, multiple-author projects, where several authors publish in the same themed series. I've been heavily involved in them for the last couple of years. My first one came in December 2021. Walnut Cake for Wylene was followed by five more in 2022: Sauerkraut by Sophie, Forget-Me-Not Cookies by Fern, A Christmas Snow for Sadie, Candace, and Aida. Beginning with Sauerkraut by Sophie, I published nineteen straight MAPs running through Andrea this month. I have three more coming in the first three months of 2025: Willa's Woes, The Writer's Rescue, and The Miner. That will make twenty-three MAPs in all.But I'm not through yet. After publishing some non-MAP books in 2025, I have three more MAPs scheduled in the last half of the year, making twenty-six. Daphne's Determination, Heather, Hot Springs Bride, and Morrow's Mishaps. I already have eight books scheduled for 2026, but so far, none of them are MAPs because good opportunities haven't presented themselves. However, I'm hoping that might change, and I do have at least two slots open.MAPs have been good to me. They've been inspiring, helped build my readership, and been good with marketing. I just got an email from an enthusiastic reader who discovered me through a MAP. I've also found collaborating with the other authors helpful. I need to slow down on the number of books I'm publishing each year, but I would still like to include two or three MAPs. Hopefully, this will work out._____________________