Monday, January 31, 2022

Southern Belles Audible Released

After some unexpected delays, the Audible version of Southern Belles is finally here. This ends the family saga in the Cactus Creek series, and again, my dual narrators did a fantastic job. Since the same characters often appear in the next novel, it made sense to keep the same narrators throughout the five books. And there were so many minor characters, as well as the main ones, I knew it would need more than one narrator to handle it all. 

Douglas Birk and Jennifer Groberg teamed together to produce these books. Douglas is the male narrator I've used most often in the past,  and Jennifer is my go-to female narrator. When I needed both a male and a female narrator for this series, they agreed to work together. Listeners have been pleased with the results. In fact, they did so well together, you may see more of the team in the future.

In Southern Belles, Joanna Dobson comes to stay at the King Ranch. Magnolia, her mother, was Abby King's cousin in Second Choice Bride to begin the series. Joanna is interested in Grayson Fox from the moment she first sees him, but the recent death of his parents has him questioning if he ever wants to marry. In the meantime, Adele Mead is caught up in a tough situation in Maryland. She rescues a hurt man and falls hard for him, but she has a difficult time convincing him he's the right man for her, even though he cares deeply for her. When she does, they must flee and head west toward Cactus Creek. As these stories merge, can they all find the happiness they so desperately long for in the aftermath of the Civil War?

Southern Belles Audible -


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

 How to Stay Positive

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8).

Just like being happy, staying positive is an attitude we can choose to have. The Bible tells us in several places how to accomplish this. Look at the above verse from Philippians. These values are a good way to live and accompany a positive attitude. We need to stay true to God, to people, and to ourselves. It helps when we choose to be honest in all situations and choose honest people as our close friends.

Although we should realize that this fallen world may never have the justice we'd like, that doesn't excuse us from working for justice and being fair in all our dealings. God values purity, and we should too. Living according to God's standards bolsters our self-concept and makes for a more abundant, blessed life.

Paul points out that we should focus on things that are lovely, good, and virtuous. Constantly considering only the bad things of life will only make us miserable. With Christ in our lives, all Christians have so much to rejoice about. Praising him will keep us thankful, and thankful people are always positive. Yes, "think on these things."

Monday, January 24, 2022


Honest Reviews

Always be fair, but leave honest reviews. Even if you like an author, you're not doing them any favors by leaving high reviews when their book is subpar. The best thing to do is leave an honest review in a diplomatic way that will help them grow and make any needed changes. They should be told what they need to improve.

In this same vein, never leave a low rating without leaving a review. If you can't tell an author what you didn't like about the book, don't rate or review the book at all. You're just being harmful and damaging without being helpful or considerate. 

Don't be overly picky and critical either. Being honest doesn't mean being harsh and unreasonable. If you loved the book, don't hesitate to leave five stars. I've had reviewers rave about how good my book was but only leave four stars which pulled my overall rating down. We should always treat others as we'd want to be treated. Most of us appreciate honesty told with kindness and understanding. It helps us grow and become better.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Secret Things of God

The secret things belong to the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law (Deuteronomy 29:29).

We are not meant to know everything. The Bible isn't a how-to book explaining the ins and outs of the workings of God and His universe. It is about how to live the Christian life, and it reveals everything we need to know for that, always pointing us to Jesus. One day, when we reach the place reserved for us in Eternity, we will know more, but complete knowledge is not meant for this world.  

When John was in the spirit and having his vision recorded in the Book of Revelation, he says that he heard voices coming from seven thunders. He was about to write down what the voices said, but he heard a voice from heaven telling him not to. "Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not (see Revelation 10:4). 

Moses tells us that there are secret things that only belong to God. However, those things that are revealed to us will lead and guide us and our children in the right directions forever. How comforting is that? We have a God who loves and cares for us, who will never leave us, and in whom we can always trust. He's a great and mighty God beyond our human comprehension, so why wouldn't we want to surrender to His awesome love and power?


Monday, January 17, 2022


Gimmicks and Ploys Can Backfire for Authors

There are no words to describe how much I hate cliffhangers, and remarkably, even some of the top authors use them. I'm sure, in some cases, they're encouraged to do so by their publishing houses. However, if their purpose is to make the reader want to buy the next book in the series, it does the opposite for me. I would never purchase the next book after reading a novel ending in a cliffhanger, and it's doubtful that I'll ever read that author again.

Unless the description states that this book ends in a cliffhanger, I think it's devious and dishonest. I buy a book expecting it to be a complete story, and I feel cheated when it's not. The Vella program, with its serials, is different because readers know they are getting installments. Regular book offerings aren't the same, however.

If an author writes a good novel that draws readers in, she or he won't need such ploys as ending in cliffhangers. I think such gimmicks are used by people who don't think their books will sell well. But if they write a good story, readers will want to continue reading their books. And if the story is weak, a cliffhanger won't be enough to make them want to read the next one. Therefore, cliffhangers don't help anything and usually hurt a great deal. Good writing sells books, not underhanded attempts to manipulate the reader.


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Praying Always

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit . . . (Ephesians 6:18a). 

Prayer should be an integral part of a Christian's life. It should come as naturally and automatically to us as eating, breathing, or anything else we routinely do. Set aside a special time to spend in prayer at least once a day. Say grace at every meal, and teach your children to pray. Then pray all throughout the day.

If you have concerns as you go about your work, say a brief, silent prayer as they occur. When good things happen, give a quick prayer of thanks. Pray for others you encounter, especially if you perceive they have a problem. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.

This is how you pray always without ceasing. You make your life a series of prayers. Most Christians will tell you how powerful praying is, but how many of them put that into action the way they should? The more you sincerely pray, the stronger your faith becomes, the stronger you become, and the more you influence the world for Christ. 

Pray without ceasing (1Thessalonians 5:17).

Watch ye therefore, and pray always . . . (Luke 21:36a).


Monday, January 10, 2022

Letting a Rough Draft Cool

When I finish a rough draft, I always put it back and let it sit for a while before I pick it up to do my first edit. In the meantime, I usually write a new story. By letting the first manuscript cool like this, I can see it with fresh eyes, the changes I need to make become clear, and they jump out at me. Depending on the circumstances, it can be a long time until I get back to it. Sometimes, I'm even amazed that I wrote this story, and I find it more appealing than I remembered. It pulls me in all over again.

I know that other writers do this too. Stephen King wrote that it's what he did in his book about the craft, On Writing. I'm sure many other writers do also. I may leave it cooling longer than most writers do, but it works for me. I can find mistakes and where revisions are needed easier if what I originally wrote is not so fresh in my mind. 

I usually self-edit at least three times before I send a manuscript to a professional editor. However, I may only let it sit for one long period. Once I start editing, I may or may not do all three of my edits then. It depends on when the book needs to be finished and what else I have going on at the time. However, I would never let my edits be the only ones. I just can't catch all of my own careless errors, no matter what methods I use. To me, an editor is essential.


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Caleb's Choice

Caleb was a strong man, both physically and spiritually. When Joshua was dividing up the Promised Land among the tribes of Israel, Caleb asked for Hebron, a land that would still need to be conquered. Caleb knew that God would go with him and before him, and therefore, he would be victorious.

It didn't bother Caleb that he was eighty-five years old at the time. He thought he was as strong as the day Moses sent him out as one of the Israelite spies because he said, "As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in" (Joshua 14:11). Caleb had confidence because he trusted God.

When Caleb chose Hebron, it was still a land where frightening warrior-giants lived. I doubt that many other tribes argued with Caleb's choice. But the Bible tells us how Caleb led his men to drive "the three sons of Anak, Sheshai and Ahiman and Talmai" out. The giants were overthrown because of Caleb's faith in God to lead him. God had promised this land and victory to the Israelites, and Caleb believed Him. 

When we are faced with a difficult task as we serve the Lord, we need to have the same faith as Caleb. Trust in God, allow Him to lead us, and expect the victory. 


Monday, January 3, 2022

 Amazon Digital Awards

Did you know that Amazon gives digital rewards with purchases you schedule for no-rush shipping? This option is available on most products that are shipped to your door. The circle to darken is below the shipping information on the right of your order before you check out.

With these rewards all being for a dollar or more, they are enough to buy a Kindle book, and readers can acquire many books for free this way. The rewards remain good for two or three months, and they can accumulate for that long. Buy the books that go on sale, and stretch your rewards even more. And I would love for you to purchase some of my books with those reward dollars.

I always buy Kindle books with my rewards, and Amazon will apply them automatically to any digital purchases I make. So, the whole process is really simple. . In a year, the savings can add up, and that means a whole lot of good reading.
